As part of the ZellSys project, a second citizen survey was conducted from 02.11.-20.12.2024.
The aim of the ZellSys project is to develop a feasibility study for the transformation to a cellular energy system for the town of Wittichenau, with the clear involvement of citizens.
The aim of this survey is to compare our assumptions about future scenarios with current experiences in your region. A central concern is to compare the considerations regarding refurbishment and the development of e-mobility. Other central topics of the survey were the provision of information (type (newspaper, internet, etc.), contact points for subsidies), wishes and readiness for municipal heat planning.
At the end of the period, a total of almost 259 complete responses had been received.
Further development of possible future scenarios will be carried out using the information from the citizen survey. In addition, the local suggestions from the comments field will be taken into account in further project development.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your active participation in the survey and look forward to continuing to work together on the ZellSys project for the joint, sustainable and successful further development of the town of Wittichenau.
Fig. 1: General topic block
Fig. 2: General topic block
Fig. 3: E-mobility topic block
Fig. 4: E-mobility topic block
Fig. 5: E-mobility topic block
Fig. 6: E-mobility topic block
Fig. 7: Renovation theme block
Fig. 8: Renovation theme block
Fig. 9: Renovation theme block
Fig. 10: Topic block: Contribution to energy supply in Wittichenau
Comments under other:
Fig. 11: Thematic block perception of the ZellSys project in Wittichenau
At the end of the ZellSys survey, there was an empty comment field to give respondents the opportunity to make comments. The following is a selection of comments and local suggestions.
Selection of comments:
Queries about the citizen survey and evaluation
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Paul Seidel/ Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Pauline Grun