On Monday, April 8, 2024, representatives of the ZellSys project team were at the energy factory in Knappenrode and presented the ZellSys project as part of a pitch presentation by the BMWK. With the STARK federal funding program, the BMWK has been actively supporting the transformation in Germany’s lignite mining regions for three years. The […]

The 2nd expert meeting in the ZellSys project took place on  February 2nd 2024. The aim was to talk to experts from research, politics and business in order to exchange knowledge, explore opportunities for collaboration and present the status of the project to date. Location: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift”, Wittichenau Agenda: 14:00 Welcome Prof. Seifert / […]

ZellSys Wittichenau – The future of energy supply in suburban areas   We would like to cordially invite you to the ZellSys citizens’ meeting to present the results of the citizens’ survey. Date: Friday, February 02, 2024 Time: 5 – 6 p.m. Place: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift” Association(s) for Wittichenau e.V. Bautzener Street 30 02997 Wittichenau […]

We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in the survey and would like to cordially invite you to the ZellSys citizens’ meeting to present the results of the citizens’ survey to you. Date: Friday, February 02, 2024 Time: 5 – 7 p.m. Place: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift” Association(s) for Wittichenau e.V. […]

Date: Tuesday, 04.04.2023, 1 – 3 p.m. Agenda: 13:00 Welcome by Prof. Seifert / Prof. Schegner 13:10 Presentation of expert group 13:30 Status of project work 14:00 Discussion Place: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift Association(t) for Wittichenau e.V. Bautzener street 30 02997 Wittichenau