Announcement 2nd ZellSys – Citizens’ survey

The survey will be conducted from 2 November to 30 November 2024 and follows on from our first survey in 2023.

The aim of this survey is to compare our assumptions about future scenarios with current experiences in your region. A central concern is to compare considerations regarding refurbishment and the development of e-mobility.

In our first survey, around 70% of citizens in Wittichenau expressed a desire for better provision of information on renewable energies (see evaluation of the 1st ZellSys survey). To give us a better overview of this topic, the second survey will include a special block of questions on the provision of information. An article with further links to energy-related funding opportunities as a first point of contact will be provided in an article under ‘News’, see here.

The survey will be conducted both by post and online in the same way as the first survey. An additional announcement will be made in the Wittichenauer Wochenblatt and on the website of the town of Wittichenau.

Thank you very much in advance for your valuable support!


The project ‘ZellSys – Cellular Energy Systems for the Transformation of Energy Supply in Suburban Areas’ was launched on 1 October 2022. TU Dresden is the implementing organisation for the project and is supported by a group of experts and advisors from the region around Wittichenau. The project is part of the structural change projects in Lusatia and is being supported by BAFA / BMWK with €870 thousand as part of the Stark project funding programme.

The aim of the project is to develop a transfer plan and a feasibility study for the reorganisation of the future holistic energy supply in rural areas. The special focus is on the municipality of Wittichenau, which borders on Hoyerswerda. The project particularly addresses the sector coupling between thermal and electrical energy supply. The mobility sector and gas supply are also included in the considerations in the context of an accelerated expansion of renewable energies.

Our aim is also to keep you up to date on the progress, milestones and developments of the project in a transparent and comprehensible manner. Here you will find regular updates and exciting insights into our work. We would be delighted if you would accompany us on this journey! You can always find the latest articles here.

Fig.: Building atlas for the Wittichenau cell

One focus of the project is on the information networking of different energy production and consumption units. In the first stage of the project, the TU Dresden team is recording the current energy supply situation in Wittichenau. This involves creating a building atlas to determine the thermal requirements of the individual properties, which will be linked to the electrical network plan and the plan for the natural gas network as the project progresses. The data for this is taken from freely accessible public sources.

In a second step, the population situation, economic development and the availability of areas for energy utilisation, such as wind or photovoltaic systems, are analysed. These fundamental analyses will be used to develop future scenarios with which a transformation of the energy system is possible. The TU Dresden team attaches great importance to the involvement of institutional, local stakeholders and the integration of the population in and around Wittichenau. To this end, various public surveys and information events are being organised in the region.

At the end of the transfer project, a kind of ‘blueprint’ for the transfer of rural energy structures is to be developed, which can be applied to other regions in Germany and Europe.

Further information on the content, background and what are cellular energy systems?

Have a look here!


If you have any questions or suggestions – please contact us:


Contact person in the project:
TU Dresden / Institut für Energietechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Seifert
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463-34909

TU Dresden / Institut für Elektrische Energieversorgung und Hochspannungstech­nik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Schegner
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463-34374


The ZellSys project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.