On 01.10.2022 the project “ZellSys – Cellular energy systems for the transformation of the energy supply in the suburban area” has started. The TU Dresden is the executing organization for the project and is supported by a group of experts and consultants from the region around Wittichenau. The project is part of the structural change projects in Lusatia and is supported by BAFA / BMWK within the Stark project funding with 870 T€.
The aim of the project is the development of a transfer plan for the transformation of the future holistic energy supply in rural areas. For this purpose, the special focus is on the municipality of Wittichenau, which borders on Hoyerswerda. The project addresses in particular the sector coupling between thermal and electrical energy supply. The mobility sector and the gas supply in the context of an accelerated expansion of renewable energies are also included in the considerations.

Sektoren des zellularen Energiesystems

In addition, the focus is on the information networking of different energy generation and consumption units. In the first step of the project, the team of the TU Dresden will record the current status of the energy supply situation in Wittichenau. In this process, a building atlas is created to determine the thermal demand of the individual properties, which is linked to the electrical network plan and the plan for the natural gas network in the further course of the project. The data for this will be taken from freely accessible public sources. In a second step, the population situation, the economic development and the availability of areas for energy use, such as wind or photovoltaic plants, will be analyzed. With these basic analyses, future scenarios are to be developed with which a transformation of the energy system is possible. The team of the TU Dresden attaches great importance to the involvement of institutional, local actors as well as the integration of the population in and around Wittichenau. For this purpose, various citizen surveys and information events will be carried out in the region.
At the end of the transfer project, a kind of “blueprint” for the transfer of rural energy structures is to be developed, which can be applied to other regions in Germany and Europe.

TU Dresden / Institute of Power Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Seifert
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463-34909

TU Dresden / Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Schegner
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463-34374