Evaluation ZellSys – citizen survey

As part of the ZellSys – project, a citizen survey was conducted from 01.04.-31.05.2023.

The goal of the ZellSys project is the development of a feasibility study for the transformation to a cellular energy system for the city of Wittichenau, with participation of the citizens.

Central topics were first general information about the person and living situation, the current energetic supply, needs/desires for improvement, flexibility potentials, further about acceptance and tolerance towards the use of renewable energies and alternative approaches as well as information about funding possibilities.

On these and other topics, the survey provided the opportunity to give feedback and thus to actively participate in the study on the cellular energy system in Wittichenau and to help collect data. The survey consisted of 16 questions. All information was treated confidentially.
Furthermore, parallel to the survey of the citizenry, interviews with local companies were conducted.

At the end of the period, a total of 482 complete responses were received.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your active participation in the survey and look forward to further cooperation on the ZellSys project for a joint, sustainable and successful further development of the city of Wittichenau.

fig.: 1, topic block: General information about the person


fig.: 2, topic block: General information about the living situation


fig.: 3, topic block: Heat supply(1)


fig.: 4, topic block: Heat supply (2)


fig.: 5, topic block: Electric Power Supply (1)


fig.: 6, topic block: Electric Power Supply (2)

fig.: 7, topic block: Climate Change

fig.: 8, topic block: Energy supply structure

fig.: 9, topic block: renewable energie (1)


fig.: 10, topic block: renewable energie (2)


fig.: 11, topic block: renewable energie

At the end of the ZellSys survey, there was an empty comment field to give respondents the opportunity to note and comment. A selection of comments and local suggestions were collected below.

Selection of comments:

  • “Energy mix is important! – Targets & measures with a sense of proportion.”
  • “Based on age, there is no change for me”
  • “Costs too high for low income earners”
  • “Energy transition can only succeed WITH citizens and not with bans and by means of crowbar”
  • “to pay attention is here Zulande the wage structure! – Higher energy prices / increased cost of living hardly bearable”.
  • “The price for electricity from the grid and for grid feed-in should be the same!”
  • “What is missing is a concrete overview of which options fit my situation, i.e. what exactly pays off/returns in my case, and what subsidy options are available.”

Local suggestions:

  • “private charging columns in public spaces”
  • “No charging columns available in Wittichenau”.
  • “Currently PV/solar thermal is not allowed in the visible area in the city center of Wittichenau!”
  • “Bureaucracy reduction: duration of over 9 months for registration of a PV system”
  • “Energy supply Schwarze Elster more involved in local energy turnaround”
  • “Supply of gas and heat from local biogas plant”

Questions about the citizen survey and evaluation
Ansprechpartner: Dr.-Ing. Paul Seidel/ Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Pauline Grun
E-Mail: info@zellsys.de