We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in the citizens’ meeting we held in Wittichenau on February 2, 2024. As a result, an article was published in the Sächsische Zeitung: What will Wittichenau’s energy supply look like in the future? Researchers at TU Dresden want to find more than one […]

We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in the survey and would like to cordially invite you to the ZellSys citizens’ meeting to present the results of the citizens’ survey to you. Date: Friday, February 02, 2024 Time: 5 – 7 p.m. Place: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift” Association(s) for Wittichenau e.V. […]

As part of the ZellSys – project, a citizen survey was conducted from 01.04.-31.05.2023. The goal of the ZellSys project is the development of a feasibility study for the transformation to a cellular energy system for the city of Wittichenau, with participation of the citizens. Central topics were first general information about the person and […]

The citizen survey on the future of energy supply in rural areas using the example of Wittichenau was conducted in the period 01.04.-31.05.2023 and is currently being evaluated. We received more than 480 complete responses. We would like to thank you for the numerous responses. A detailed evaluation of the responses will take place in […]