Overview of information platforms on renewable energies, subsidies, etc.

In Saxony, as in many other regions, the topic of renewable energies and refurbishment options is of great importance. The population is very interested in optimising their energy consumption, saving costs and at the same time making a contribution to environmental protection. In order to inform you about the available information platforms, we would like to give you an overview of important contact points and sources of information.

1. Sächsische Energieagentur (SAENA) (the Saxon Energy Agency)

The Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA) is a central point of contact for information on energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable construction. It offers free advice for citizens, companies and local authorities and provides extensive information material. The SAENA website provides useful tips and information on energy-efficient refurbishment, funding opportunities and sustainable energy supply.


2. energy advice from the Saxony Consumer Advice Centre

The Saxony Consumer Advice Centre offers independent energy advice for private households. In addition to personal consultations, this also includes the option of obtaining information by telephone or online. The focus is on topics such as energy-efficient refurbishment, heating optimisation and the use of renewable energies in the home. The detailed checklists and guides, which are available free of charge or for a small fee, are also particularly helpful.


3. subsidy programmes and financial support

Saxony offers a wide range of funding programmes for energy-efficient refurbishment and the use of renewable energies. The KfW Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), the Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) and the state of Saxony provide funding that citizens and companies can utilise. Information on the current funding programmes and their requirements can be found on the websites of the respective institutions and at the aforementioned advice centres.
The counselling services cover topics such as photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, heat pumps and energy-efficient refurbishment. Citizens can obtain advice online, by telephone or in person.


4. local chambers of crafts and energy consultants

Many local chambers of crafts in Saxony offer specialised advice for homeowners who want to invest in renewable energy. These chambers often work with local tradesmen who have practical experience in installing photovoltaic, solar thermal and heat pump systems. There are also certified energy consultants who can offer personalised advice and make recommendations on the best technologies for the building in question.

5. online platforms for photovoltaics and co.

There are also specialised online portals that help citizens to plan investments in renewable energies. These portals often offer comparison calculators and tools that citizens can use to calculate the costs and savings of installing photovoltaic or solar thermal systems.

  • Photovoltaic forum: A large platform for sharing information and experiences on photovoltaic systems.
  • Energy Map Saxony: This map provides information on energy projects and potential investments in Saxony.


6. Local initiatives and networks

There are also many local initiatives and networks in Saxony that deal with renewable energies and sustainable construction. These often offer practical support, exchange opportunities and regional information. Examples include local energy cooperatives, environmental initiatives and regional climate protection alliances.


7. information events and trade fairs

Information events, trade fairs and exhibitions on the subject of renewable energies and energy-efficient refurbishment are held regularly in Saxony. These offer a good opportunity to talk directly to experts and find out about the latest developments and technologies. The ‘Saxon Energy Days’ and similar events organised by local chambers of trade or SAENA are particularly recommended.