STARK project presentation in Knappenrode

On Monday, April 8, 2024, representatives of the ZellSys project team were at the energy factory in Knappenrode and presented the ZellSys project as part of a pitch presentation by the BMWK.

With the STARK federal funding program, the BMWK has been actively supporting the transformation in Germany’s lignite mining regions for three years. The program covers a wide range of exciting topics. Initiatives for knowledge and technology transfer, citizen participation and economic development are supported, as is the important work of the municipalities in the lignite mining regions. For Lusatia alone, 50 different projects with a total volume of 72 million euros were approved. Of these, 26 STARK projects were presented on Monday.

We are delighted to have been there and to have exchanged ideas with other project teams and players involved in structural change.

STARK article from Monday

MDR audio report

Impressions of the presentation of the projects within the framework of the federal STARK program of the BMWK for the lignite mining area of Lusatia (photographed on 08.04.2024 by André Wirsig):

Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Opening of the event by Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for Regional Development, source: André Wirsig
Photo: ZellSys project presentation by Prof. Schegner, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Prof. Schegner, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig