On Monday, April 8, 2024, representatives of the ZellSys project team were at the energy factory in Knappenrode and presented the ZellSys project as part of a pitch presentation by the BMWK.

With the STARK federal funding program, the BMWK has been actively supporting the transformation in Germany’s lignite mining regions for three years. The program covers a wide range of exciting topics. Initiatives for knowledge and technology transfer, citizen participation and economic development are supported, as is the important work of the municipalities in the lignite mining regions. For Lusatia alone, 50 different projects with a total volume of 72 million euros were approved. Of these, 26 STARK projects were presented on Monday.

We are delighted to have been there and to have exchanged ideas with other project teams and players involved in structural change.

STARK article from Monday

MDR audio report

Impressions of the presentation of the projects within the framework of the federal STARK program of the BMWK for the lignite mining area of Lusatia (photographed on 08.04.2024 by André Wirsig):

Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Opening of the event by Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for Regional Development, source: André Wirsig
Photo: ZellSys project presentation by Prof. Schegner, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Prof. Schegner, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig
Photo: Energy factory in Knappenrode, source: André Wirsig

The 2nd expert meeting in the ZellSys project took place on  February 2nd 2024. The aim was to talk to experts from research, politics and business in order to exchange knowledge, explore opportunities for collaboration and present the status of the project to date.

Location: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift”, Wittichenau


14:00 Welcome Prof. Seifert / Prof. Schegner

14:05 – 14:45 Stand ZellSys project work

14:45 – 15:30 Contributions from the expert group

15:30 – 16:00 Discussion


Experts from:


We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in our 2nd expert meeting in Wittichenau. We were able to take away some food for thought from the contributions and discussions and look forward to the further course of the project.

We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in the citizens’ meeting we held in Wittichenau on February 2, 2024.

As a result, an article was published in the Sächsische Zeitung:

What will Wittichenau’s energy supply look like in the future? Researchers at TU Dresden want to find more than one answer to this complex question.


Wittichenau wants to prepare itself for the energy supply of the future. With the “ZellSys” project (cellular energy systems for transforming the energy supply in the suburban area of Wittichenau), TU Dresden is preparing a feasibility study. It is investigating the potential of renewable energies. In particular, it is looking at the topics of heat, electricity and gas. An energy atlas is being created with a focus on heat demand and electricity demand.

Read the full article here: https://www.saechsische.de/hoyerswerda/lokales/wittichenau-ruestet-sich-fuer-die-energiewende-5962603-plus.html

ZellSys Wittichenau – The future of energy supply in suburban areas


We would like to cordially invite you to the ZellSys citizens’ meeting to present the results of the citizens’ survey.

Date: Friday, February 02, 2024
Time: 5 – 6 p.m.
Place: Meeting house “Jakubetzstift”
Association(s) for Wittichenau e.V.
Bautzener Street 30
02997 Wittichenau

There will also be the opportunity to enter into dialog with the TU Dresden, the town of Wittichenau and other associated partners and to help shape the content.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the citizens’ assembly, please send them to us in advance.


Queries about the citizens’ survey and evaluation
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Paul Seidel/ Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Pauline Grun
E-mail: info@zellsys.de

We would like to thank you once again for your active participation in the survey and would like to cordially invite you to the ZellSys citizens’ meeting to present the results of the citizens’ survey to you.


Friday, February 02, 2024


5 – 7 p.m.


Meeting house “Jakubetzstift”

Association(s) for Wittichenau e.V.

Bautzener Street 30

02997 Wittichenau


  1. Welcome by Prof. Seifert / Prof. Schegner
  2. Presentation of the project
  3. Evaluation of citizen survey
  4. Outlook

The citizen survey as part of the ZellSys project was conducted in the period from 01.04.-31.05.2023.

The aim of the ZellSys project is to develop a feasibility study for the transformation to a cellular energy system for the town of Wittichenau, with the clear involvement of citizens.

The central topics were initially general information on the person and housing situation, the current energy supply, needs/wishes for improvement, flexibility potential, acceptance and tolerance towards the use of renewable energies and alternative approaches, as well as information on funding opportunities. The survey provided the opportunity to give feedback on these and other topics and thus actively participate in the study on the cellular energy system in Wittichenau and help to collect data. The survey comprised 16 questions. All information was treated confidentially.
At the end of the period, a total of 482 complete responses had been received.

Further development of possible future scenarios will be carried out using the information gathered from the citizen survey. In addition, the local suggestions from the comments field will be taken into account in further project development.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the citizens’ assembly, please send them to us in advance.

A further announcement about the citizens’ meeting will be published in the Wittichenauer Wochenblatt approximately one week in advance.


Queries about the citizens’ survey and evaluation
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Paul Seidel/ Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Pauline Grun
E-mail: info@zellsys.de